Take control of application performance 24x7

It's critical to identify and quickly resolve application performance issues—before there's business impact.

Blackfire gives control back to you by accelerating the discovery process and enabling long-term performance optimization, even in the event of a crisis.

  • Monitor your applications' real-time behavior
  • Proactively identify existing bottlenecks
  • Anticipate consequences of upcoming changes before they reach production

These organizations effectively leverage Blackfire capabilities to monitor and optimize application performance:

Stop firefighting

Customer complaints about slow service that impact your organization's business. The relentless pressure to optimize performance. These challenges can disrupt operations and demoralize your team, forcing them to take a reactive stance.

Regain control over the performance of your applications by smoothly integrating Blackfire into your development and deployment workflows.

Maximize performance efficiency with real-time insights

Effortlessly identify and address performance bottlenecks, enhancing the efficiency of your application's most resource-intensive areas.

Achieve high performance with low overhead while maintaining full observability of your entire application.

Achieve instant bottleneck detection through continuous application monitoring and thorough code execution analysis.

Blackfire Continuous Profiling dashboard visualizing the comparison between two timeframes

Live monitoring in production

From overall application health to code-level insights, get facts and figures about how your application performs in production.

Monitor server-side response time and memory usage. Drill-down and find bottlenecks in transactions and service calls (e.g., SQL, HTTP, queues).

Obtain unrivaled visibility in your code's behavior while Blackfire automatically profiles key transactions.

Receive an alert when something goes wrong.

Deterministic profiling in production, development, test/staging

Blackfire's unique deterministic profiling technology for PHP and Python collects function-call-level metrics that help you understand exactly how your code behaves.

Through time-sequence and behavioral visualizations, analyze how code consumes time, memory, and network. Find slow SQL queries and HTTP requests.

Collect these kinds of metrics from your live production site, then reproduce measurements on local machines. Iterate and compare iterations to validate code changes.

Profiling illustration showing available tools: command line, PHP, Python or browser extension
Profiling illustration showing available tools: command line, PHP, Python or browser extension

Performance testing

Scenario preview showing example tests

Performance is a feature. It should be tested as such.

Thanks to Blackfire's cutting-edge profiler, extend your test suite from unit-tests, integration tests, and functional tests to performance tests.

Never let a performance regression be deployed on production.

Benefit from our extended support of PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Magento, Drupal, Typo3, Wordpress, Python, Django, with built-in metrics and default assertions.

Automated testing workflows

Synthetic user monitoring, CI/CD integration, unit tests integration? We've got you covered.

Leverage Blackfire's flexible profiling automations to run performance tests proactively, whenever needed. Use the open-source crawler, scraper and tester, SDKs, and native integrations, or configure basic testing scenarios right from the Blackfire web application.

Get comprehensive build reports and notifications where and when it matters—from email to Slack, and GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab.

Illustration showing the integration between CI/CD and scenarios
Preview of the health report

Actionable insights

Observability is powerful when it lets development, Ops, and IT teams take action.

Rather than letting teams build and browse complex data charts, Blackfire points out precise issues in the application and suggests resolution options.

Even better? Blackfire offers that information in production and proactively in development, testing, and staging—throughout development iterations.

Organizations like these take advantage of Blackfire's 100% proactive performance validation before production release, with these results:

3xLoad time decrease for Symfony.com

1monthFaster time to market for NKD.com

20xMore orders for GOG.com

Building your observability strategy


Blackfire empowers you to take back control over your application's performance. Stop firefighting by smoothly integrating Blackfire into your development and deployment workflows:

  1. Discover improvement opportunities with Blackfire monitoring and continuous profiler
  2. Fix your code with the deterministic profiler
  3. Write and automate performance tests
  4. Repeat

Photo of Marcin Czarnecki

“ Blackfire's continuous observability solution is empowering. Our teams can make early discoveries with the monitoring. Improvements in the code are based on the precise and detailed information collected while profiling parts of the applications. Then, by writing efficient performance tests and plugging them with our CI/CD pipeline, we avoid regressions of already-known performance issues. ”

Marcin Czarnecki
Backend Chapter Lead at GOG.com and Tech Lead for GOG Store

Improve and enforce your application performance


Accelerate the discovery process, and enable long-term performance optimization